Develop a conscious and deliberate message, stance or opinion on an issue that is important to you. Using a variety of sustainable materials (at least one of which has to be man made) create an object that supports your message. This requires a thorough understanding of your message, your format of communication, and an awareness of the language of your materials. You may use a found object / found objects, that you consider connected with your message as a starting point. Present your piece photographed in a suitable context together with a statement about your topic.
Messages/Stances/Opinions on Issues Important to me:
- GMO's in food (less GMOs in food=all around better health, especially in the future)
- Harmful Chemicals in products we eat off of/store food in.
- Using Natural materials in manufaturing clothes
More Brainstorming:
Product Ideas:
- Clean Eats Kit:
- Facts about vegetable or vegetables in bag
- bag on clean, chemical free soil
- veggies to cook (NO GMOs)
- seeds to plant
- The kit would create a cycle, the buyer would eat the vegetable, mix the vegatebls rin, core etc, into the clean soil, plant the vegetable seeds that were given in kit& start the process all over again..
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